Saturday, August 31, 2013

Preparing to Leave

I'm leaving for Costa Rica in four days. As nervous as I am, I feel more ready than I ever will be. Leaving my family, boyfriend, and friends for three months will not be an easy feat, but I know everything will work out for the better. I am going to Costa Rica to study environmental sustainability as an environmental science major. My plan while I am there is to experience as much as I can, travel frequently, and learn a lot about sustainability.
Packing for the trip shouldn't be too bad. I plan to buy a lot of my cosmetics in Costa Rica and pack a good amount of clothes fit for warm and rainy weather. Lots of pants, dresses, and capree type things and a few shorts. I hear that people in San Jose don't wear shorts. So I will only be wearing shorts when I am traveling.
What I'm most nervous about is my flight and arrival at my home-stay. I have never flown alone and I know very little Spanish. I am really hoping my home-stay family speaks English, at least a bit, so I can feel confident communicating with them. I am also hoping that many people in San Jose speak some amount of English.
I'm most excited about meeting people in the ICDS program! I'm hoping a lot of the students want to get out there and travel as much as I do! With a fun group of friends I know these three months will be some of the best months of my life.


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